Mini gastric bypass surgery in Turkey

The omega or mini gastric bypass: an effective treatment for obesity. Treatment by Dr. Gökçe.

Schlauchmagen OP Illustration


There are different variants of the gastric bypass procedure. The omega gastric bypass, also known as the mini gastric bypass, is becoming increasingly popular. The latter name comes from the fact that the procedure is less complicated and therefore reduces the risk of postoperative complications. In contrast to the classic gastric bypass or the gastric sleeve, a mini gastric bypass can be reversed.

While the classic gastric bypass creates two connections between the stomach and small intestine, the mini gastric bypass only creates one. Otherwise, it is the proven combination of stomach reduction and shortening of the intestinal passage, so that fewer nutrients can be absorbed and a feeling of satiety sets in more quickly when eating.

When is a gastric bypass suitable?

BMI under 35?

Then you should consider another treatment. The benchmark for a mini gastric bypass is a BMI of 40 (from 35 with concomitant diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure or sleep apnea)

Young patients

The Omega gastric bypass is preferably performed on younger patients – especially with type 2 diabetes. As a rule, there are fewer comorbidities at a young age.

Exclusion of pathological stomach changes

The mini gastric bypass cannot be performed if there is gastritis or bacterial germs that can lead to stomach ulcers.

Untreated eating disorders / pregnancy

Various mental and physical conditions may make it necessary to avoid the mini gastric bypass. Pregnant women should wait until after childbirth and breastfeeding.


Your path to gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey


Comprehensive initial consultation

in English, e.g. via telephone

Flight to Istanbul

Pick-up at the airport by private shuttle service

Transport to the clinic

Initial consultation with Dr. Gökçe


Short stay at the clinic for monitoring and recovery (2-3 days)

Return transport to the airport

Also with the shuttle service

Comprehensive aftercare

Nutrition plan and support from personal contact persons

Results of a mini gastric bypass

Although the mini gastric bypass is less complex and invasive than the classic gastric bypass, it still promises the same impressive results in terms of weight loss. On average, patients lose even more weight than with the Roux-Y gastric bypass. Overall, a reduction of up to 75% of excess weight is possible, with about 50% of the

of your excess weight in just a few months
Ergebnisse nach der Operation

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Start your new life today!

  • 2 nights in the hospital
  • Nutrition counseling
  • Laboratory costs, medication, equipment
  • Personal, English-speaking assistant
  • VIP round-the-clock transfer
  • Personal companion

From $2,990.00 USD


Advantages of weight loss surgery with Dr. Gökçe


All-inclusive package

With our experience in all aspects of stomach reduction, we know exactly what you need as a patient: the feeling of being in the best hands right from the start! We take care of every aspect of the operation: a genuine all-round carefree package from advice and support in German, premium hotel and shuttle service to intensive aftercare and coaching.


Absolute top specialist for stomach reduction

Dr. Gökçe is one of the leading specialists in the field of stomach reduction. Few other doctors can look back on so many years of experience in this field. Thousands of successful operations and satisfied patients underline Dr. Gökçe's expertise. And the best thing is: Your stomach surgery will be performed exclusively by Dr. Gökçe himself!


Thorough diagnosis and advice

Every case of overweight and obesity is highly individual. Body mass index (BMI), age, state of health and other factors such as your blood pressure are considered by us in order to recommend the right operation for you. Your health is always our top priority! For this reason, we also attach great importance to aftercare following the operation.

Medical qualifications

Ernennung zum außerordentlichen Professor

Certificate for the practice of bariatric surgery

This document is awarded by the Ministry of Health to surgeons who meet the requirements for bariatric surgery.

Medizinisches Staatsexamen

Medical state examination

6 years of medical studies

Facharztdiplom für Allgemeinchirurgie

Specialist diploma in general surgery

5 years of surgical training

Ernennung zum außerordentlichen Professor

Appointment as associate professor

Passing the faculty examination and appointment as associate professor

Over 8,000 satisfied patients with a new, better life!


What are the differences between a mini gastric bypass and a classic gastric bypass?

The mini gastric bypass is a less invasive version of the classic gastric bypass. It requires only one connection between the stomach and small intestine (instead of two) and usually takes less time. In addition, it can be reversed. However, the mini gastric bypass may be less effective for treating acid reflux than the classic gastric bypass.

Who is a candidate for a mini gastric bypass?

The mini gastric bypass is suitable for severely overweight patients (BMI ≥ 40 or ≥ 35 with comorbidities). It is often recommended when patients are seeking a less invasive alternative to the classic gastric bypass and do not have severe reflux problems.

What is the recovery time like after a mini gastric bypass?

The recovery time after a mini gastric bypass is usually shorter than after a standard gastric bypass. Patients can often resume their normal activities after 2-3 weeks, but regular follow-up appointments and an adjusted diet are important for long-term success.

What are the risks of a mini gastric bypass?

As with other surgeries, the risks of a mini gastric bypass include infection, bleeding, and vitamin deficiencies. In addition, there is a lower risk of reflux complications compared to the classic gastric bypass, which is why regular follow-up care is crucial.

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