Allurion gastric balloon to swallow or endoscopic?

October 15, 2024

A gastric balloon can be a useful measure if you are struggling with obesity and are looking for a less invasive method of losing weight. Instead of surgery, the intragastric balloon can be easily inserted endoscopically or even simply as a swallow intragastric balloon (known as Allurion gastric balloon) In contrast to surgical procedures such as gastric bypass or gastric banding, the gastric balloon is a temporary solution that can help people who are not severely overweight to change their eating behavior and establish a healthy lifestyle. Furthermore, the gastric balloon can help to improve the conditions for gastric surgery and reduce possible risks. This may be advisable, for example, for people who are severely obese (grade III with a BMI over 50). In our practice, the gastric balloon has proven very successful in this function!

How does a gastric balloon work?

In this non-surgical procedure, an empty balloon is inserted into the stomach – either by swallowing or endoscopically. It is then filled with saline solution or air via a thin catheter. When full, it takes up almost a third of the stomach volume. The presence of the gastric balloon makes you feel fuller faster when you eat. At the same time, gastric emptying is slowed down. The result: food stays in the stomach longer, and the feeling of fullness is further increased. You eat less often and smaller amounts.

The classic variant: endoscopically inserted gastric balloon

“Endoscopic” means that a doctor uses a thin, flexible tube with a camera and light source (endoscope) to look inside the body, in this case the stomach, and possibly also to carry out small procedures. Typically, it is used in conjunction with a gastroscopy. The patient is sedated beforehand (not fully anesthetized), and is not aware of the procedure

Similarly, with the gastric balloon, the balloon is inserted through the mouth into the stomach with the help of an endoscope. After placement, it is filled with a sterile saline solution. During the entire procedure, the attending physician has full control and can precisely control the positioning and filling of the gastric balloon. Depending on the variant, the gastric balloon may need to be removed after a few months – this is also done quite simply by endoscopic intervention.

Allurion intragastric balloon and other swallowable options

The swallowable intragastric balloon, also known as an ellipse balloon, does not even require sedation for an endoscopic procedure. Since some people find even a minimally invasive endoscopic procedure unpleasant or frightening, the swallowable Allurion gastric balloon is an attractive alternative. The modern procedure requires only a short outpatient appointment and 15 minutes to insert the balloon. An X-ray image is used to check the optimal positioning. After filling with water, a second X-ray examination ensures that the gastric balloon is filled as intended. As a rule, the gastric balloon does not have to be removed to be swallowed; it dissolves after about 16 weeks and leaves the body naturally.

Comparison: endoscopic gastric balloon versus swallowable gastric balloon

Both methods – the endoscopically placed and the swallowable gastric balloon – offer effective support for weight loss or for preparing for gastric surgery such as gastric sleeve. The endoscopic gastric balloon has the advantage of precise placement and complete control by the doctor during the procedure. However, sedation is necessary here, and many patients are reluctant to undergo minimally invasive endoscopic surgery. The swallow gastric balloon, or Allurion gastric balloon, is less invasive because it does not require endoscopy or sedation. It simply needs to be swallowed as a capsule. It is usually not actively removed, but dissolves by itself. The risk of side effects is also lower.

The ingestible gastric balloon is the more modern version and is certainly very appealing due to the simple, uncomplicated insertion. However, which method is better suited depends on individual preferences and health conditions. While the endoscopic balloon offers additional safety through medical supervision, the ingestible balloon is a comfortable alternative for those who prefer a less invasive solution. In any case, the gastric balloon can help lay the foundation for long-term, healthy weight loss as a temporary measure.

Even as a less invasive, comparatively “gentle” procedure, the expertise of the attending physician is required here to eliminate possible side effects and risks as far as possible. Thanks to his many years of experience in bariatric surgery, Dr. Gökçe offers the perfect conditions to insert a gastric balloon in Turkey in an optimally tolerated way. The swallow gastric balloon is also possible in Turkey!

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